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Nightcap With Nightcat - Episode 12

Welcome to another episode of Nightcap With Nightcat, the kitsch-minded show where we talk about toys, boys, and life's other joys.

On Tonight's Episode:

We hit the ground running, no time for an intro because we're taking a full tour of Nightcat's house in Sunken Treasure.

1:20​​ SUNKEN TREASURE (toy unboxing and review): Normally this is the part of the show where I dig through my toy collection and we play with something awesome. But this week, we're going on a tour of the whole freaking collection:

*Harry Potter Collection: 1:47​

*Fishtanks/Aquariums: 2:08​

*Conspiracy Dinosaur Art: 2:26​

*Famous Ladies Wall (including Judge Judy, Lizzo, Danielle from "90 Day Fiance, and Britney Spears): 2:47​

*Dating board games for teenage girls (Mystery Date, Heartthrob, etc): 4:19​

*Meet my bearded dragon, Red! 4:47​

*Creepy Crawlers Oven: 5:09​

*Cannibal Cabbage Patch: 5:36​

*Our super weird dinosaur and shark bathroom: 6:21​

*The cat wheel (yes, you can actually see them use it): 6:45​

*Veronica's Sailor Moon collection: 7:33​

*Nightcat After Dark set & Jurassic Park collection: 9:16​

11:06​​ THE LITTERBOX (stupid news stories):

  • A woman was found alive inside a Florida storm drain after being reported missing 2 weeks ago.

  • A man found shrimp tails in a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and the cereal company is trying to gaslight him about it.

  • Ryan Murphy has a new, limited series coming to Netflix about Jeffrey Dahmer.

18:36​ NIGHTCAT CLASSIC TALES: Nightcat tells the story of when he learned the hard truth about where baby buffalo come from.

21:34​​ WARM MILK (good news to help you sleep): Nightcat has a huge announcement that no True Crime addict will want to miss.

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